Physical Therapy | Texas Woman’s University

Why study Physical Therapy at TWU?
Ranked among the top PT schools in the nation
Texas Woman’s University’s School of Physical Therapy is a nationally recognized leader in professional and post-professional physical therapy education and has ranked repeatedly among the top PT schools in the nation by qualifying organizations such as U.S. News and World Report.
Accreditation matters
Students can feel confident knowing the TWU School of Physical Therapy has earned accreditation for the DPT designation by the Commission on Accreditation in Physical Therapy Education (CAPTE). Accreditation information including TWU’s acceptance, matriculation, graduation, licensure exam pass, and employment rates is available on the Accreditation page.
The faculty for the School of Physical Therapy are recognized as leaders in the PT profession. They are active in the state (TPTA) and national (APTA) Physical Therapy Associations, many serving in leadership roles, to advocate for the profession. Several have received coveted awards for their professionalism and commitment to the industry.
Texas Woman’s University has approximately 1000 sites across the United States under contract to provide clinical education to the School of Physical Therapy. That means DPT students have many choices when it comes to where they can complete their clinical education.
We’re pushing the boundaries of academic knowledge and understanding in order to provide the best care for our patients and improve our communities and the PT profession at large. Our faculty and students regularly engage in research to enhance evidence-based care across the lifespan.
For those ready to start on their graduate or postgraduate journey into physical therapy, TWU’s School of Physical Therapy offers onsite and a robust online presence for students across the United States at both our Dallas and Houston Centers. We are submitting a request to the Commission on Accreditation in Physical Therapy Education (CAPTE) to add a cohort of students to our campus in Denton. If approval is granted, the first cohort would begin on the Denton campus in the Fall of 2025.
Regardless of the campus location, all of our programs adhere to high standards of academic rigor. TWU can guide students from the beginning, starting with an undergrad degree in kinesiology/pre-PT at our main campus: